Lab0: Getting Real
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Last updated
Code Due: Thursday 02/27 11:59 pm
Design Doc Due: Sunday 03/02 11:59 pm
This assignment is set to prepare you for the later Pintos projects. It will walk you through what happens after a PC is powered on till when an operating system is up and running, which you may have wondered about before.
You will set up the development environment, learn the Pintos workflow, and run/debug it in QEMU and Bochs.
You will then do a simple programming exercise to add a tiny kernel monitor to Pintos.
Note that this assignment is much simpler than the remaining projects, because it is intentionally designed to help you warm up.
Before you read the description of this project, read the Loading section in Code Guide to understand the source-code-level details of the booting process.
Here are the sections in this chapter: